Creative Strategy of my personal brand for my Integrated Marketing Communications Class
Final project for my Marketing Capstone class that assesses the current position of the company Peloton and makes recommendations on how they can improve as a business
Final project for my People & Money class that breaks down how services like Venmo impact a consumers willingness-to-pay
One of the pre-production packages my IMC team put together ahead of a video interview
Final project for my Nonprofit Marketing class where I analyzed the offer of a nonprofit that I've been a part of
Final project for Marketing Research class where my group analyzed several vehicle models and assessed how they should be segmented in the marketplace
I do more than just marketing! Here is the final project for my film studies class where I analyzed how the Indian film 3 Idiots worked to globalize the Bollywood Masala film genre
The three products my team put out in IMC. Each interviews both a current student and an alumni about one of the marketing electives at Western, comparing their experiences and biggest takeaways from the class